The Benefits of Feeding Pigeons,  for both you and the birds. - Percys Pet Products

Attracting pigeons and other wild birds into your garden.

Attracting wild birds into your garden is nice and easy to do, no matter how small your garden or how close you are to a city, as most birds are never far, choosing to nestle in mature trees in local parks and wooded areas.

The most important part of attracting small garden visitors is ensuring your garden meets their changing demands throughout the year for both local birds such as pigeons and blackbirds and seasonal visitors such as fieldfares and redwings.


Here are just a few things to consider to entice birds into your gardens…

Buy good, reputable food.

Birds, just like us know what’s good for them, they will eat what they can to stay satisfied, however, sourcing food that’s healthy, tasty, and full of nutrients will help to keep the birds healthy and attract more visitors every day.


Keep your bird feeder stocked up

Keeping your feeders full will give the birds a regular source of healthy foods that they get used to and once they tell their mates, your garden will be full of fluffy visitors.


Positioning Your Feeder

Keep your feeder away from your home to reduce the risk of collisions with windows. Avoid using netting in your garden, especially during the mating seasons and try to position your feeders high from the ground and in discreet, shaded areas to reduce the risk from predators such as cats and dogs.


Get a birdbath

Birds, just like us like to keep clean. Installing a birdbath will help to attract animals looking for food, shelter and for a nice bath, both in the summer and winter months.


Other suggestions for attracting birds…

- Install a nesting box and ensure you keep this clean.

- Keep your feeding and bathing areas clean.

- Keep quiet during feeding.

- Change your feeding spots ( If you’re having trouble attracting birds, tinkering with positions may help with this.)



The benefits of feeding wild pigeons and other wild birds

Feeding wild pigeons can be a great way to attract an interesting variety of birds into your garden or patio areas. Regularly providing fresh, nutritional food and water can make for a trusted, safe haven for local birds – allowing them to feed and rest knowing they are safe around your home.


Feeding wild birds foods with high nutritional values can also benefit their life expectancy as most people usually feed wild pigeons and other birds on lower nutritional foods such as crumbs or bread, which can actually do the birds harm over long periods.


Ensuring you feed your garden visitors a mixture of flavours and food types is also important to ensure that they get as many vital nutrients in their diets as possible. The foods should be packed with natural seeds, grains, peas and corns such as Maize, Wheat and Yellow peas for a healthy and balanced diet – just as we need!

You can find a huge variety of these products on our website here.



How to feed wild birds?

Different breeds of birds feed in different ways. Pigeons traditionally feed on the floor so having a clean, dedicated area for floor feeders is essentials to attracting larger, local birds. Other, smaller birds tend to like to feed from higher places as they feel safer and more confident higher up. So if you’re looking to attract different breeds of birds make sure you are feeding them in the right way – using the right foods.

Make sure you also have fresh, clean water available to the birds especially in severe weather.



Can feeding birds benefit you?

Yes, feeding pigeons and other wild birds can provide you with hours of fun and has shown to be extremely effective in helping to lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression thanks to the calming nature of the animals.



Our favourite foods and nutritional supplements for wild birds

Pigeon foodPigeon healthcarePigeon supplements

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